represents a value associated with an uncertainty in the form of a normal distribution with mean v and standard error se.
- NDV values can be used to propagate uncertainties and carry out sensitivity tests using the functions DVEvaluate, MCEvaluate and MonteCarloSimulation.
- The arguments v and se are similar to the arguments of NormalDistribution.
- By default, NDV values show the mean and (relative) 95% confidence interval using the parenthesis form. For example, a NDV with mean 1 and standard error 0.1 is displayed as 1.00(20).
- Values can be shown using the ± form, e.g. 1.00±0.20, by setting $UsePlusMinusForm to True.
- Confidence intervals for the output are calculated using Z-values.
- Different confidence levels can be set using the function SetConfidenceLevel.
ExamplesExamplesopen allclose all
Basic Examples (1)Basic Examples (1)
Define a normal distribution value with mean 1 and standard error 0.1:
Change the displayed uncertainty level to 99%:
Display the value using the ± form:
Use DVEvaluate to propagate uncertainties: