
- Using Fig requires that the SciDraw package, created by Mark A. Caprio, University of Notre Dame, is installed. The package can be downloaded at
- The SciDraw package allows the preparation of publication-quality scientific figures.
- The Fig function automatically produces simple figures with SciDraw, and styling options are limited.
- More flexibility can be achieved using the SciDrawPlot function, which is produces a DataPlot object which can be included into complex SciDraw figures.
- Figure grids can be created using the FigGrid function.
- For simple figures, the Mathematica plotting system can be used with the function DTPlot.
- Fig takes the same options as Figure, FigurePanel and DataPlot (from the SciDraw package) with the following additions:
ShowLegend Automatic Specifies if a plot legend should be shown XLogScale False Specifies if Log10[x] should be applied to the x coordinates in the plot YLogScale False Specifies if Log10[y] should be applied to the y coordinates in the plot