
represents a structured data table, based on and extending the Dataset structure.
- DataTable objects are optimized for representing two-dimensional arrays of data (as in a spreadsheet with rows and columns), but some functionality also works for arbitary tree structures as for Dataset.
- DataTable objects are based on the native Mathematica Dataset structure and extend it, mainly to simplify the display and propagation of uncertainties in DV and NDV values during calculations and data transformations.
- DataTable objects also simplify the transfer of data to other programs such as Microsoft Excel or using the TSV format.
- Several additional functions are available that simplify working with DataTable or Dataset objects.
ExamplesExamplesopen allclose all
Basic Examples (1)Basic Examples (1)
Create a DataTable object from a two dimensional list:
Create a DataTable object from a two-dimensional association with NDV values:
Use Dataset functionality:
Automatically propagate uncertainties using the DVEvaluate function.