converts mass fractions in an association where the keys are the component names (which can be suffixed by ' / ppm', etc.) and values are the mass fractions to molalities with the specified unit prefix (m,μ,n,p), which is optional.
converts a mass fractions of a component to molality assuming that it is the only solute.
- The molality is the molar amount of a substance per mass of the solvent.
- Accurate molalities can only be calculated if all solutes of a compound are defined.
- Components have to be defined using RegisterOxide or RegisterComp.
- Valid suffixes are %, ppm, ppb, ppt, and ppq.
- Valid prefixes for molalities are m, μ, n, p for milli, micro, nano, and pico molalities.
Calculate the molalities for a simple compound:
The calculated molality is slightly different if a solute is not defined:
Use suffixes for mass fractions:
Use prefixes for molalities: